Have your 3D glasses ready

Have your 3D glasses ready

3D Stereoscopic

3D Stereoscopic can bring you the warmth of smile, the heat of the sunshine. It can even freeze time like you’ve never seen before. People who think it’s ridiculous just haven’t seen the right 3D.

I was fascinated by Stereoscope since 6th grade. One day, before my parents came home, I popped up our color TV which felt like heavier than me, adjusted the quadrupole magnet on the tail of the CRT despite the high voltage residue, just to get some red-blue aberration, so that I could try my plastic “3D” glasses. My dad was almost shocked to realize that I could get electrified.

Many years ago, when I got my first digital camera, without any help, I figured out how to take real 3D pictures with just one camera, and how to adjust the camera distance, convergence and alignment for different scenario. The excitement was worth all the pain in the process.

Now I can setup 3D camera rigs in real world, or in 3dsMax, After Effects, UDK and Unity3D (Nuke is on the way). I can generate all my animations in 3D format, SBS, OU. With all the new gears on the market, 3D stereoscope just gets more and more fun!

Please select the proper monitor type at the bottom of 3D viewers below.

For 3DTV, choose 3DVision or Interlace;
For red-blue glasses, choose Anaglyph;
For naked eyes, choose Wiggle.
You can click image and set to full screen in the pop up window.

My Online Stereoscopic Album

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