
Philosophical Society of Washington, a.k.a. PSW Science, is a prestige society, founded in 1871 by Joseph Henry, an early researcher in magnetism and the discoverer of electromagnetic self-induction. For 148 years, it has been a TEDTalk-like forum that attracts members in Washington DC who would like to be aware of the frontiers of diverse intellectual disciplines. Its members include many Nobel / Pulitzer Prize winners, directors of NASA, Pulse Lab, NHI, the Science Advisor to the President, the head of Office of Science and Technology Policy, etc.


The U.S. Geological Survey and the Weather Bureau (now part of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), and the Bureau of Ethnology (of the Smithsonian Institution) were formed from the conversations between members here.

Test Drive

My Tasks

As a member of the Society, I was assigned to renovate the existing static HTML website into a database-driven, modern website that connects all the members and nonmembers together, with live streaming and online membership management, donation capabilities.

I designed the logo, UI/UX, functionality, then developed the website, setup E-Commerce, created documentation, provided training to the editors.

I also worked as a cameraman, video editor, live-streaming engineer at the events.


  • Content Management System
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • E-Commerce
  • Membership Management
  • Donation
  • Online Payment Gateway
  • Report

  • Calendar
  • Newsletter
  • Automatic Reminder
  • Backup and Update
  • Disaster Recovery
  • Firewall
  • Live Streaming on YouTube/Twitch/UpLive